Bachelor of Arts
BA Course Requirements
Major Code: PSYCHBA
12 courses/39 hours to complete/letter grade only*
A Bachelor of Arts in Psychology will require a minimum of twelve courses. Courses must be at least 3 academic credits/hours to contribute to the major.
All courses for the major must be taken for a letter grade and must originate in or be cross-listed with Psychology.
BA Courses
Four foundation courses – PSYC 110, PSYC 111, QTM 100, and PSYC 200W - must be completed by the end of the junior year. Majors should not be enrolled in these courses during their senior year.
Introduction to Psychology – 2 courses, both required
- PSYC 110 - Introduction to Psychology: Biological Foundation and Cognitive Processes
- PSYC 111 - Introduction to Psychology: Development, Social Behavior, and Individual Differences
These courses provide a general orientation toward the methods, content areas, and central findings of Psychology. We recommend that they be taken before any other Psychology course. Both PSYC 110 & 111 must be completed by the end of the junior year. Either PSYC 110 or PSYC 111 may be taken first or they may be taken at the same time.
Important Facts about Intro Courses – AP/IB credit and transfer credit
- A/P Credit: Students who received academic credit for their scores on the AP Examination in Psychology will be granted an exemption from PSYC 111. The student will still complete 12 additional courses in the major, including PSYC 110.
- Transfer Credit: Students who took a one-semester Intro course at another college will probably receive credit for PSYC 111. The student will take 11 additional courses in the major including PSYC 110.
Statistical Literacy – 1 course required
- QTM 100 Introduction to Statistical Inference
Adequate understanding of original source material in Psychology is impossible without basic statistical literacy. Students will acquire this competency by taking QTM 100, the statistical inference course offered by the Institute for Quantitative Theory and Methods. The letter grade for QTM 100 must appear on the transcript; a grade of "S" is not acceptable.
Research Methodology – 1 course required
- PSYC 200W Laboratory Methods
This course provides a basic understanding of research methods in Psychology through actual performance of experiments. QTM 100: Introduction to Statistical Inference is a prerequisite and must be taken prior to this course; concurrent enrollment is not acceptable.
PSYC 200W must be completed by the end of the junior year; this course may not be taken in the senior year.
Area I | Area II |
PSYC 207: Brain & Behavior PSYC 209: Perception & Action PSYC 215: Cognition PSYC 223: Drugs & Behavior | PSYC 205: Child Development PSYC 210: Adult Psychology PSYC 211: Childhood Psychopathology PSYC 212: Social Psychology |
Depth courses are designed to provide students with a deeper study of a specific topic or area within psychology. These courses will permit an in-depth investigation into particular areas of individual interest. Some courses are excluded from the depth courses.
Take at least 4 courses at the 300 level or above. You may seek special permission to enroll in psychology graduate courses. Enrollment in 300 level & above courses requires prior completion of PSYC 110, PSYC 111, QTM 100 and any 200 level survey course.
Course Exclusions:
- PSYC 397R
- PSYC 494R
- PSYC 495A & 495BWR
- PSYC 498R and PSYC 499R
PSYC 494R and PSYC 499R may count as electives. See Tab D.
Two courses required. Students with AP/IB credit will be required to take 3 elective courses. You may seek special permission to enroll in Psychology graduate courses. Some options for elective courses:
- PSYC 150: Great Works
- PSYC 180: Research in College Drug Use
- Additional 200 and above level courses (exclusions noted below)
- Only one (1) enrollment in PSYC 499R or PSYC 494R for 3 or more credit hours may be counted as an elective
Course Exclusions:
- PSYC 190 Seminar
- PSYC 397R Directed Study
- PSYC 495A & 495BWR: Honors Program, and
- PSYC 498R: Directed Reading