Study Abroad
Emory students may choose to take a semester abroad through programs approved by OISP (Office of International and Summer Programs).
Students considering studying abroad should contact the OISP office (7-2240) for a list of Emory and non-Emory programs.
Seek Course Approval for Your Major Before You Travel
In some cases, it may be possible for psychology courses taken through a study abroad program to be included in the ten courses (old requirement) or twelve courses (new requirement) required for the major.
Courses taken abroad through Emory and non-Emory programs will not automatically count toward the major. Acceptance by OISP into a study abroad program does not guarantee that appropriate courses will be available in the major.
Courses must be approved, in writing, before the student goes abroad and returning students must bring back a syllabus for the course as well as additional supporting evidence, including textbooks or readings used, papers written or copies of exams.
Please contact Lorenza Houser to seek a course approval.