Psi Chi at Emory
Membership in Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, is open to juniors and seniors studying psychology who meet the minimum qualifications.
Emory’s chapter of Psi Chi is operated by student officers and a faculty advisor. Eligible students are invited to membership during the fall and spring semesters.
Qualifying for Psi Chi
Membership is open to both juniors and seniors. To meet the minimum qualifications for active student membership, students must:
- Be registered for major standing in psychology.
- Have a class rank in the uppermost 35% in general scholarship
- Achieve an average GPA of 3.20 or better in the Psychology major.
- Have completed a total of 5 psychology courses toward the major.
- Maintain high standards of personal behavior.
- Receive a 2/3 affirmative vote of those present at a regular meeting of the chapter.
Questions about Emory Psi Chi?
Please contact Lorenza E. Houser or Dr. Kazama.
Psi Chi Happenings
Throughout the year, Psi Chi offers psychology related programs, speakers and workshops which are open to all interested students.
Psi Chi Peer Mentorship Program
The Psi Chi Peer Mentorship Program matches undergraduates interested in Psychology with a Psi Chi Peer Mentor. Mentoring is an important resource, and mentees gain valuable insight for many aspects of their academic and professional careers. Topics span: research opportunities, internships, graduate school applications, and career options.
If you would like to be matched up with a Psi Chi Mentor, please fill out the Peer Mentee Sign-up Form