Joint Majors
Psychology and Linguistics
The Psychology and Linguistics major is designed to introduce students to fundamental aspects of the behavioral study of language, and in particular how an interdisciplinary approach to language from the psychological and linguistic perspectives inform language usage. The major is designed so that students receive introductory breadth in the study of both psychology and linguistics before focusing on the study of language and cognition.
After acquiring basic knowledge of the subject matter and methodologies from each discipline, students will take elective courses which focus on specific issues in language and cognition. The major will culminate in a semester of Directed Study in which students will engage in a supervised research project on a particular topic or issue within the domain of language and cognition.
Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology
The Department of Psychology participates in the interdisciplinary program in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology (NBB). It is an inter-departmental undergraduate program offering a Bachelor of Science that combines the expertise, enthusiasm, and commitment of a large and diverse group of faculty from many departments.
The NBB major combines behavioral biology with the study of how the nervous system controls body functions and cognition. Using the concepts of evolution as a unifying theme, the major represents a unique interdisciplinary synthesis of the fields of Neuroscience and Behavior and provides a breadth and focus not found in traditional Biology, Psychology, Biopsychology, Neuroscience, or Anthropology programs.
Quantitative Sciences with a Psychology Track
No matter the discipline or profession, data is increasingly central. To meet the increasing demand for research and analytical skills to interpret that data, The Institute for Quantitative Theory and Methods partners with the Department of Psychology to offer a BS in Quantitative Sciences (QSS) with a substantive track in Psychology, which provides training that is quantitatively rigorous but with a focus on real-world applications.
With the QSS major, Emory students now have the opportunity to receive thorough quantitative training while they study subjects in the natural sciences, social sciences, or humanities. Students take both quantitative classes (such as statistics, game theory, and experimental methods) and classes in psychology. This unique interdisciplinary approach enables students to learn quantitative theory and methods that apply directly to their academic and career interests—whatever they happen to be. The QSS major is rigorous, yet accessible to students of all academic interests and mathematical backgrounds.