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Therapy and Psychoeducational Services

At the Psychological Center, individual, couples, family and group therapy is provided for a wide range of mental health concerns and educational difficulties in children, adolescents and adults.

Problems addressed range from psychological issues related to stress, anxiety, depression, grief, anger, self-esteem, relationship difficulties, eating disorders, family or marital conflict, and child emotional and behavior problems to school-related achievement concerns, learning disabilities and attention problems.

Schedule a Therapy Screening Call

Give us a call

Call 404-727-7451 to speak with our office administrator or leave a confidential voicemail message with the following:

  • Your name
  • Type of service you are interested in
  • Number(s) where we can contact you 
  • Available times to receive a call from us

Participate in a brief screening interview

Our Senior Clinician will call you back to conduct a brief screening interview to determine if our clinic’s resources can meet your needs and to answer any questions you may have.

If it is mutually determined that our services are appropriate for your needs, and we have availability, you will be assigned a clinician who will call you directly to schedule a mutually convenient appointment.

For therapy services, your therapist will typically call to arrange your first appointment within a day or two of your call. If you do not hear within 3 days, please call us at 404-727-7451.  

Therapy Fees / Make a Payment

Therapy services are available to the community on a sliding fee scale ranging from $18 to $60 per session depending on household income and number of people in the family.

Emory undergraduate students qualify for our minimum fee of $18.

Pay Fees Via Credit or Debit Card
Therapy fees are paid with an automated payment system within 24 - 48 hours from date of service.

Visa, Mastercard and Discover are accepted for client payments.

Contact Kate Coblin for payment

We do not accept insurance.