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Overview of the Psychology Major

The Psychology Department offers a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree or a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree (new degree option as of spring 2021). We also partner with other programs to provide joint majors in linguistics, neuroscience & behavioral biology, and quantitative sciences with a psychology track.

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

The BA in Psychology provides students with a solid grounding in psychology as an empirical science. 

Requirements: 12 courses, 39 hours to complete. Eleven courses originating in or officially cross-listed with the psychology department, plus QTM100.

Required coursework and progression designed to help students (a) experience a breadth of topics within the field and (b) delve deeply into more advanced topics and means of learning about them.

Good fit for: Students interested in connecting psychology to other fields as part of a comprehensive liberal arts experience. The BA may be particularly appealing for those planning to pursue careers for which a strong background understanding of human behavior is advantageous (for example, business, marketing, economics, health care, policy, etc.).

Learn more about the BA in Psychology

Bachelor of Science (BS)

The BS in Psychology provides the same strong scientific training afforded by the BA, as well as enhanced quantitative training and exposure to interfacing natural sciences.

Requirements: 16 courses, 51 hours to complete. Eleven courses originating in, or officially cross-listed, with the psychology department, plus QTM100. Additional courses in the areas of (a) quantitative or methodological inquiry and (b) related natural science inquiry.

Good fit for: Students drawn to cutting-edge questions in the scientific literature about behavior. The BS may be particularly appealing for those planning to pursue graduate study in labs employing advanced methodological and analytical techniques, as well as those with an interest in graduate programs in health-related fields.

Learn more about the BS in Psychology

Joint Majors

The department of psychology, in conjunction with other departments and programs in the university, offers joint majors in: (i) linguistics, (ii) neuroscience & behavioral biology, and (iii) a quantitative sciences degree with a psychology track. 

The department of psychology does not offer a minor in psychology.

Learn more about our Joint Majors

Declaring Your Psychology Major

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Students wishing to declare a major in Psychology can do so by first completing the online declaration of major form

After completing the online form, students must contact Lorenza Houser in Suite 270, PAIS Building for additional paperwork required to declare a psychology major.

Declarations will not be accepted during the direct enrollment period. 

Maintain at least a "C" average and Pass Your Courses
  • Students declaring a psychology major are required to maintain a “C” average (2.0) in their major and pass all courses with a “D” or better for them to count towards the major requirements. 
  • Courses taken to meet the requirements for the BA in Psychology may not be taken under the S/U option.
  • Courses taken for the psychology major must appear on the transcript with a letter grade; grades of S are not acceptable for any course.
Declared Majors: check your Emory email for crucial information

Declared majors will be put on the undergraduate email list. Please read email information from the department carefully; these emails will keep you up-to-date on crucial deadlines, requirements, and opportunities.


Academic Advising

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Each psychology major is assigned an academic advisor. You should meet with that advisor on a regular basis to discuss courses that can meet the requirements for your major.

Advisors will be available during advising and direct enrollment periods; however, advisors often have more time to spend with students at times other than advising or direct enrollment periods. We hope that students will take advantage of these times in scheduling appointments with their advisors.

Sign-up sheets will be placed outside each advisor’s office in the weeks before advising period. It is strongly advised that students sign up as early as possible for advising.

Students should talk to their academic advisor about future career plans if they include graduate training in psychology, as there may be additional courses they should take for entrance to graduate school.
Changing Your OUE Academic Advisor

Students unhappy with their advisors may come by Suite 270 in the PAIS Building to fill out a request to change advisors. Students may also change advisors if their area of interest becomes more closely aligned with another faculty member’s area of expertise. 

Students cannot change advisors during advising or direct enrollment periods.