James K. RillingProfessor
James K. Rilling is a Professor of Psychology at Emory University, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He is also the Director of the Laboratory for Darwinian Neuroscience. Dr. Rilling and his colleagues use non-invasive functional brain imaging techniques to investigate the neural bases of human social cognition and behavior, with a current focus on caregiving in fathers, grandmothers and dementia caregivers. Much of his research is examining the role of oxytocin signaling in human social cognition and behavior. A separate research focus compares brain structure and function in monkeys, apes and humans, with the goal of identifying human brain specializations and informing our knowledge of human brain evolution.
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine.
Research Interests
· Social cognitive neuroscience
· Biology of fatherhood
· Comparative primate neurobiology
NBB201/ANT200 Foundations of Behavior
PSYCH 321/NBB321 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology