
Submitted or In Preparation

  • Goodman, S.H., Lusby, C.M., & McCallum, M.E. (in preparation).  Effects of Maternal Depression and Cortisol Levels on Infants’ Cortisol and Behavioral Responses to Stressors during Routine Pediatrician Visits.
  • Davis, K.J., Kwan, B.M., Dimidjian, S., & Goodman, S. (in preparation).  The Longitudinal  Relationship Between Physical Activity, Depression, and Anxiety In Pregnant Women at Risk for Depression
  • Harkness, K., Shamblaw, A., Goodman, S.H., Dimidjian, S. (in preparation).  The Birth Experience Interview: Development and Validation in Postpartum Women.
  • Milgramm, A., McCallum, M., Goodman, S.H., and Bakeman, R. (in preparation).  Stability and Consistency of Parenting of Infants by Women at Risk for Perinatal Depression (tentative order of authorship and title)
  • Lusby, C., Goodman, S.H., Park, J.S., Bell, M.A., Bartholomay, E., Stowe, Z.N. (in preparation).  Consistency of EEG Frontal Asymmetry Patterns in Infants of Depressed Mothers (tentative order of authorship and title)
  • Hubley, S., Dimidjian, S., Beck, A., Goodman, S.H., Sherwood, N.E., Gallop, R., Simon, G. (in preparation).  Training obstetrics nurses and behavioral health care providers in behavioral activation for antenatal depression (tentative order of authorship).
  • Garber, J., Goodman, S.H., …  (submitted). Self-cognitions and Affect in Young Children: Role of Evaluative Maternal Feedback
  • Brown, A.P., Goodman, S.H., Dimidjian, S., & Gallop, R. (submitted). The Role of Engagement in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Depressive Relapse/Recurrence.
  • Dimidjian, S., ……Goodman, S.H…..(submitted). Barriers and Facilitators of Traditional and Peer Specialist Services for Perinatal Depression
  • McCallum, M. & Goodman, S.H. (submitted). Parenting of Adolescent Females who Engage in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: A Multi-Method, Multi-Informant Investigation.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Halperin, M.S. (in press; 2018). Perinatal Depression as an Early Stress: Risk for the Development of Psychopathology in Children.  A chapter to be published in K. Harkness & E.P. Hayden (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Stress and Mental Health.


  • Cole, D.A., Goodman S.H., Garber, J., Cullum, K.A., Cho, S-J., Rights, J.D., Felton, J.W., Jacquez, F.M., Korelitz, K.E., & Simon, H.F.M. (2018). Validating Parent and Child Forms of the Parent Perception Inventory. Psychological Assessment. 
  • Goodman, S.H., Cullum, K.A, Dimidjian, S., River, L.M., Kim, C.Y. (2018), Opening Windows of Opportunities: Evidence for Interventions to Prevent or Treat Depression in Pregnant Women Being Associated with Changes in Offspring’s Developmental Trajectories of Psychopathology Risk.  In the Special Issue of Development and Psychopathology entitled “Developmental origins of psychopathology: Mechanisms, processes, and pathways linking the prenatal environment to postnatal outcomes.” 30, 1179-1196
  • Laurent, H., Goodman, S.H., Stowe, Z.N., Halperin, M., Khan, F., Wright, D., Nelson, B.W., Newport, D.J., Ritchie, J.C., Monk, C., Knight, B. (in press). Course of Ante- and Postnatal Depressive Symptoms Related to Mothers’ HPA Axis Regulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127 (4), 404-416.
  • Gustafson, H.C., Goodman, S.H., Feng, T., Choi, J., Lee, S., Newport, D. J., Knight, B., Pingeton, B., Stowe, Z.N., Monk, C. (2018). Major Depressive Disorder during Pregnancy: Psychiatric Medications have Minimal Effects on the fetus and Infant Yet Development is Compromised.  In the Special Issue of Development and Psychopathology entitled “Developmental origins of psychopathology: Mechanisms, processes, and pathways linking the prenatal environment to postnatal outcomes” 30, 773-785.
  • Sedov, I., Madsen, J.W., Goodman, S.H., Tomfohr-Madsen, L.M. (in press).  Couples’ Treatment Preferences for Insomnia Experienced During Pregnancy. Families, Systems, and Health


  • Dimidjian, S., Goodman, S. H., Sherwood, N. E., Simon, G. E., Ludman, E., Gallop, R., Welch, S.S., Boggs, J.M., Metchalf, C.A., Hubley, S., Powers, J.D., & Beck, A. (2017). A pragmatic randomized clinical trial of behavioral activation for depressed pregnant women. J Consult Clin Psychol, 85, 26-36. doi: 10.1037/ccp0000151 
  • Goodman, S.H., Bakeman, R., McCallum, M.,Rouse, M.R.,Thompson, S.F. (2017). Extending Models of Sensitive Parenting of Infants to Women at Risk for Perinatal Depression, Parenting: Science and Practice. 17(1), 30-50. doi:10.1080/15295192.2017.1262181
  • Felder, J.N., Segal, Z., Beck, A., Sherwood, N.E., Goodman, S.H., Boggs, J., Lemon, E., Dimidjian, S. (2017).  An Open Trial of Web-Based Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Perinatal Women at Risk for Depressive Relapse.  Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 24 (1), 26-37.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Garber, J. (2017). Evidence-Based Interventions for Depressed Mothers and their Young Children, Child Development Special Section, Developmental Research and Translational Science: Evidence-based Interventions for At-risk Youth and Families.Child Development, 88 (2), 368-377
  • Donohue, M.R., Goodman, S.H., Tully, E.C. (2017). Positively biased processing of mother's emotions predicts children's social and emotional functioning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 38, 1-9.  doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2016.08.006
  • Sedov, I. D., Goodman, S. H., & Tomfohr-Madsen, L. M. (2017). Insomnia Treatment Preferences during Pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing. DOI:
  • Zalewski, M., Goodman, S.H., Cole, P.M., McLaughlin, K.A. (2017). Clinical considerations when treating adults who are parents. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 24, 370-388. DOI: 10.1111/cpsp.12209
  • Teti, D.M., Cole, P.M., Cabrera, N., Goodman, S.H. & McLoyd, V. (2017).  Supporting Parents:  How Six Decades of Parenting Research Can Inform Policy and Best Practice.  Social Policy Report, 30 (5).


  • Dimidjian, S., Goodman, S., Felder, J., Gallop, R., Brown, A., & Beck, A. (2016). Staying Well During Pregnancy and the Postpartum: A Pilot Randomized Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Depressive Relapse/Recurrence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 134-145.
  • Tully, E. C., Gray, J. M., Goodman, S. H., & Nowicki Jr, S. (2016). Family correlates of daughter's and son's locus of control expectancies during childhood. Early Child Development and Care, 186, 1939-1951.


    Lusby, C.M., Goodman, S.H., Yeung, E.W., Bell, M.A., Stowe, Z.N. (2016).  Infant EEG and Temperament Negative Affectivity: Coherence of Vulnerabilities to Mothers’ Perinatal Depression. In Special Issue co-edited by Dante Cicchetti and Ted Beauchaine, “Mechanisms of comorbidity, continuity, and discontinuity in psychopathology,” Development and Psychopathology, 28, 895-911. doi:10.1017/S0954579416000614


  • Davis, K., Goodman, S.H., Leiferman, J., & Dimidjian, S. (2015).  A Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga for Pregnant Women with Symptoms of Depression or Anxiety. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 21, 166-172, DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2015.06.005
  • Goodman, S.H. (2015). Infant Vulnerability to Psychopathology.  In S. Calkins (Ed.), Handbook of Infant Development: A Biopsychosocial Perspective.  Guilford Press.
  • Brodey, B.B., Goodman, S.H., Wirth, R.J., Baldasaro, R.E., Brooks-DeWeese, A., Wilson, M.E., Houts, C.R., Brodey, I.S.B., Doyle, N.M. (2015). Development of the Perinatal Depression Inventory (PDI)-14 Using Item Response Theory: A Comparison of the BDI-II, EPDS, PDI, PHQ-9.  Archives of Women’s Mental Health. DOI 10.1007/s00737-015-0553-9


  • Beck, A., Dimidjian, S., Sherwood, N, Goodman, S., Welch, S., Ludman, E., Boggs, J., Metcalf, C., Simon, G. (2014). Behavioral Activation therapy for perinatal depression: Preliminary results from a multi-site randomized trial. Clinical Medicine and Research, 1-2 (September). doi:10.3121/cmr.2014.1250.c4-5
  • Dimidjian, S. & Goodman, S.H. (2014).  Preferences and Attitudes toward Approaches to Depression Relapse/Recurrence Prevention among Pregnant Women.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 54, 7-11.
  • Dimidjian, S., Goodman, S.H., Felder, J., Brown, A., Gallop, R., Beck, A. (2014, on line first).    An Open Trial of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Perinatal Depression Relapse/Recurrence.  Archives of Women’s Mental Health. (DOI) 10.1007/s00737-014-0468-x
  • Forbes, E.E. & Goodman, S.H. (2014).  Reward Function: A Promising but (Still) Under-Examined Dimension in Developmental Psychopathology.  Commentary on Special Section: Developmental Psychopathology of Reward Function Co-Editors: Erika Forbes and Sherryl Goodman.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123 (2), 310-313.
  • Goodman, S. (2014). Commentary: The multifaceted nature of maternal depression as a risk factor for child psychopathology–reflections on Sellers et al.(2014). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry55(2), 121-123.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Lusby, C. M. (2014).  Depression and early adverse experiences. Pp. 220-239.  In I.H. Gotlib and C.L. Hammen (Eds.), Handbook of Depression and Its Treatment, 3nd edition.  Guilford.
  • Goodman, S.H., Lusby, C.M., Thompson, K., Newport, D.J., & Stowe, Z.N. (2014). Maternal Depression in Association with Fathers’ Involvement with Their Infants: Spillover or Compensation/Buffering? Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(5), 495–508.
  • Joormann, J. & Goodman, S.H. (2014).  Transdiagnostic Processes in Psychopathology: In Memory of Susan Nolen-Hoeksema.  Commentary on Special Section: Honoring Dr. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema: Emotion regulation as a Transdiagnostic Process in Psychopathology Co-Editors: Sherryl Goodman and Jutta Joormann.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123 (1), 49-50. doi: 10.1037/a0035525
  • Rouse, M.H. & Goodman, S.H. (2014). Perinatal Depression Influences on Infant Negative Affectivity: Timing, Severity, and Comorbid Anxiety. Infant Behavior and Development, 37, 739-751.
  • Stein, A., Pearson, R.M., Goodman, S.H., Pariante, C.M., Rapa, E., Rahman, A., McCallum, M., Howard, L.M. (2014).  Lancet Clinical Series on Perinatal Mental Health Paper 3: The Impact of Perinatal Mental Disorders on the Fetus and Child. The Lancet, 384 (9956), 1800-1819, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61277-0. 


  •  Goodman, S.H., Dimidjian, S., & Williams, K. (2013).  Pregnant African-American Women’s Attitudes toward Perinatal Depression Prevention. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology,19, 50-57.
  •  Lusby, C.M., Goodman, S.H., Bell, M.A., Newport, D.J. (2013). Electroencephalogram patterns in infants of depressed mothers.  Developmental Psychobiology. 56 (3), 459-473.


  • Goodman, S.H. (2012).  Editorial: Approaching 125.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121 (1), 1-3.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Dimidjian, S. (2012). The Developmental Psychopathology of Perinatal Depression: Implications for Psychosocial Treatment Development and Delivery in Pregnancy.  In T. Oberlander & K. Wisner, Guest Editors, “In Review on Psychotropic Drugs in Pregnancy” in The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 57 (9), 530-536.
  • Hayes, L., Goodman, S.H., & Carlson, E. (2012). Maternal Antenatal Depression and Infant Disorganized Attachment at 12 months.  Attachment & Human Development. DOI:10.1080/14616734.2013.743256


  • Goodman, S.H. (2011).  Invited commentary on Pawlby, S., Hay, D., Sharp, D., Waters, C.S., & Pariante, C.M., Antenatal depression and offspring psychopathology: The influence of childhood maltreatment.  British Journal of Psychiatry, Aug; 199:106-12.  
  • Goodman, S.H., Rouse, M.H.,Connell, A., Broth, M.R., Hall, C.M., & Heyward, D. (2011). Maternal depression and child psychopathology: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 14, 1-27. DOI 10.1007/s10567-010-0080-1.
  • Goodman, S.H., Rouse, M.H., Long, Q., Ji, S., & Brand, S.R. (2011), Deconstructing antenatal depression: What is it that matters for neonatal behavioral functioning?   Infant Mental Health Journal, 32 (2), 339-31.
  • Goodman, S.H., Tully, E., Hartman, C.L., Connell, A.M., & Huh, M. (2011). Measuring children’s perceptions of their mothers’ depression: The children’s perception of others’ depression scale – Mother Version. Journal of Family Psychology,25 (2), 163-173.
  • Whisman, M., Davila, J., & Goodman, S.H. (2011).Relationship Satisfaction, Depression, and Anxiety during Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period.  Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 375-383. DOI: 10.1037/a0023790


  • Goodman, S.H. (2010).  Challenges to Identifying Depression in Men and Women who are Parents.  Editorial on Dave et al., Incidence of Mother and Father Depression in Primary Care. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
  • Goodman, S.H. & Rouse, M.H. (2010). Perinatal depression and children: A developmental perspective.  In R.E. Tremblay, R.G. Barr, R.DeV. Peters, M. Boivin (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online] Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development; 2010:1-7. Available at: or


  • Dimidjian, S. & Goodman, S.H. (2009). Nonpharmacological Interventions and Prevention Strategies for Depression during Pregnancy and the Postpartum.  In a special issue, Psychiatric Disorders in Pregnancy, Z. Stowe, editor, Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 52 (3), 498-515.
  • Goodman, S.H. (2009). Depression in Mothers: Mediators and Moderators of Risk for the Development of Psychopathology in their Children. In R. E. Ingram (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Depression.  Springer.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Brand, S. (2009).  Infants of depressed mothers: Vulnerabilities, risk factors, and protective factors for the later development of psychopathology. In C. Zeanah (Ed.), Handbook of Infant Mental Health, Third Edition.  Guilford. 
  • Goodman, S.H. & Brand, S.R. (2009).  Depression and early adverse experiences.  In I.H. Gotlib and C.L. Hammen (Eds.), Handbook of Depression and Its Treatment, 2nd edition (pp. 249-274).  Guilford.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Tully, E. (2009). Recurrence of Depression during Pregnancy: Psychosocial and Personal Functioning Correlates. Depression & Anxiety, 26, 557-567. 
  • Hughes, A., Williams, M., Bardacke, N., Duncan, L. Dimidjian, S., & Goodman, S.H. (2009). Mindfulness Approaches to Childbirth and Parenting.  British Journal of Midwifery, 17 (10), 630-635.
  • National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. (2009). Depression in Parents, Parenting, and Children: Opportunities to Improve Identification, Treatment, and Prevention Efforts. Committee on Depression, Parenting Practices, and Healthy Development of Children. Board on Children, Youth, and Families. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


  • Goodman, S.H. & Brand, S. (2008).  Psychopathology in parents: Clinical issues for children and adolescents.  In M. Hersen & A.M. Gross (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Psychology, Volume 2: Children, John Wiley and Sons, 937-965.415-440.  
  • Goodman, S.H., Broth, M.R., Hall, C.M., & Stowe, Z.N. (2008).  Treatment of postpartum depression in mothers: Secondary benefits to the infants.  Infant Mental Health Journal: Special Issue on Perinatal Mood Disorders and Mother-Infant Relationships, Roseanne Clark, editor, 29 (5), 492-513.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Tully, E. (2008). Children of depressed mothers: Implications for the etiology, treatment, and prevention of depression in children and adolescents. In J.R.Z. Abela & B.L. Hankin (Eds.), Handbook of Child and Adolescent Depression. Guilford Press 


  • Goodman, S.H. (2007). Depression in mothers.  In S. Nolen-Hoeksema (Ed.), Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 3, 107-135.
  • Tully, E. & Goodman, S.H. (2007). Early Developmental Processes Inform the Study of Mental Disorders.  In Lilienfeld. S.O. and O’Donohue, W. (Eds.), “The Great Ideas of Clinical Science: The 18 Concepts that Every Mental Health Practitioner and Researcher Should Understand” Brunner-Taylor.  


  • Goodman, S.H. & Tully, E. (2006).  Depression in Women who are Mothers: An Integrative Model of Risk for the Development of Psychopathology in their Sons and Daughters.  In C.L.M. Keyes and S.H. Goodman (Eds.), Women and Depression: A Handbook for the Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences, Cambridge University Press
  • Keyes, C. & Goodman, S.H. (2006).  Handbook of Women and Depression.  Cambridge University Press.


  • Broth, M.R., Goodman, S.H., Hall, C.M. & Raynor, L.C. (2004).  Depressed and well mothers’ emotion interpretation accuracy and the quality of mother-infant relationships.   Infancy, 6 (1), 37-55. 


  • Goodman, S.H. (2003).  Genesis and epigenesis of psychopathology in children with depressed mothers: Toward an integrative biopsychosocial perspective.  In D. Cicchetti & E. Walker (Eds.), Neurodevelopmental mechanisms in the genesis and epigenesis of psychopathology: Future research directions (pp. 428-460). Cambridge University Press.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Tully, E. (2003). Depression in spouses and parents: Problems and solutions. In J. Witte Jr., D.S. Browning, & S.M. Tipton (Eds.), Sex, Marriage, and Family & the Religions of the Book: Modern Problems, Enduring Solution. Emory University, unpublished conference proceedings.
  • Gordon, RA, Savage, C, Lahey, BB, Goodman, SH, Jensen, P., Rubio-Stipec, M., & Hoven, C. (2003).  Family and neighborhood income: Additive and multiplicative associations with youths' well-being. Social Science Research, 32, 191-219.

Selected publications prior to 2003

  • Goodman, S. (1981). Primary prevention with children of severely disturbed mothers.  In S Goldston (Ed.), Doing Primary Prevention: Proceedings of An Institute of the Annual Meetings of the American Orthopsychiatric Association.  (DHHS Publication) Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Goodman, S. (1984). Emotionally disturbed mothers:  Problems and prospects.  Children Today, 13, 6-9.
  • Goodman, S. (1984). Children of disturbed parents:  A research based model for intervention. In B.J. Cohler and J. Musick (Eds.), Intervention with Psychiatrically Disabled Parents and Their Young Children, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Goodman, S. (1984). Children of disturbed parents:  The interface between research and intervention.  The American Journal of Community Psychology, 12, 663-687.
  • Goodman, S. & Isaacs, L.D. (1984). Primary prevention with children of severely disturbed mothers.  Journal of Preventive Psychiatry, 2, 387-402.
  • Goodman, S., Sewell, D.R., & Jampol, R.C. (1984). On going to the counselor:  The contributions of life stress and social supports to the decision to seek psychological counseling.  Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 306-313.
  • Goodman, S. & Shaw, M. (1986).  Life problems, social supports, and psychological functioning of emotionally disturbed and well low-income women.  Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 150-158.
  • Goodman, S. (1987).  The Emory University Children of Disturbed Parents Project.  Schizophrenia Bulletin, 13, 411-423.
  • Goodman, S. & Brumley, H.E. (1990).  Schizophrenic and depressed mothers: Relational deficits in parenting.  Developmental Psychology, 26, 31-39.
  • Goodman, S. (1991). Early social and affective development in offspring of schizophrenic parents.  In E. Walker (Ed.), Schizophrenia:  A life-course developmental perspective, NY: Academic Press, (pp 61-91).
  • Goodman, S. (1992).  Understanding the effects of depressed mothers on their children.  In E.F. Walker, B. Cornblatt, & R. Dworkin (Eds.)  Progress in Experimental Personality and Psychopathology Research, vol. 15, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Goodman, S. & Emory, E. (1992).  Perinatal complications in births to low SES schizophrenic and depressed women.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 101, 225-229.
  • Goodman, S., Brogan, D., Lynch, M.E., & Fielding, B. (1993).  Social and emotional competence in children of depressed mothers. Child Development, 64, 516-531.
  • Goodman, S., Brumley, H.E., Schwartz, K.R. & Purcell, D. (1993).  Gender and age in the relation between stress and children's adjustment. Journal of Early Adolescence, 13 329-345.
  • Goodman, S., Radke-Yarrow, M. & Teti, D. (1993). Maternal depression as a context for child rearing. Bulletin of Zero to Three, 13, 10-16.
  • Goodman, S., Sewell, D.R., Cooley, E.L. & Leavitt, N. (1993).  Assessing levels of adaptive functioning: The role functioning scale. Community Mental Health Journal, 29, 119-131.
  • Goodman, S., Adamson, L.B., Riniti, J., & Cole, S. (1994).  Mothers' expressed attitudes: Associations with maternal depression and children's self-esteem and psychopathology.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 33, 1265-1274.
  • Goodman, S., Cooley, E., Sewell, D.R., & Leavitt, N. (1994).  Locus of control and self-esteem in depressed, low income African-American women. Community Mental Health Journal, 30, 259-269.
  • Goodman, S.H., Gravitt, G.W., & Kaslow, N.J. (1995).  Social problem solving as a moderator of the relation between stress and depression symptoms in children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 23, 473-485.
  • Jensen, P., Roper, M., Fisher, P., Piacentini, J., Canino, G., Richters, J., Rubio-Stipec, M., Dulcan, M., Goodman, S., Davies, M., Rae, D., Shaffer, D., Bird, H., Lahey, B., & Schwab-Stone, M. (1995).  Test-retest reliability of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC 2.1):  Parent, Child, and Combined Algorithms.  Archives of General Psychiatry, 52, 61-71.
  • Goodman, S.H., Lahey, B. B., Fielding, B., Dulcan, M., Narrow, W., & Regier, D. (1997).  Representativeness of clinical samples of youth with mental disorders: A preliminary population-based study.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107, 3-14.
  • Goodman, S.H., Hoven, C., Narrow, W., Cohen, P., Fielding, B., Alegria, M., Leaf, P., Kandel, D., Horowitz, S., Bravo, M., Moore, R., & Dulcan, M.K. (1998).  Measurement of risk for mental disorders and competence in a psychiatric epidemiologic community survey: The NIMH Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders (MECA).  Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 33, 162-173.
  • Goodman, S.H., Barfoot, B., Frye, A.A., & Belli, A.A. (1999).  Dimensions of marital conflict and children’s social problem-solving skills. Journal of Family Psychology, 13, 33-46.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Gotlib, I.H. (1999).  Risk for psychopathology in the children of depressed parents: A developmental approach to the understanding of mechanisms.  Psychological Review, 106, 458-490.
  • Gotlib, I.H. & Goodman, S. H. (1999).  Children of parents with depression.  In W. K. Silverman & T.H. Ollendick (Eds.), Developmental issues in the clinical treatment of children and adolescents (pp. 415-432).  Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Graham, Y.P., Heim, C., Goodman, S.H., Miller, A.H. & Nemeroff, C.B. (1999).  The effects of neonatal stress on brain development: Implications for psychopathology.  Development and Psychopathology, 11, 545-565.
  • Lahey, B.B., Goodman, S.H., Waldman, ID., Bird, H., Canino, G., Jensen, P., Regier, D., Leaf, P.J., Rathouz, P., Gordon, R., & Applegate, B. (1999). Relation of age of onset to the type and severity of child and adolescent conduct problems.  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 27,  247-260.
  • Fivush, R., Brotman, M.A., Buckner, J.P., & Goodman, S.H. (2000).  Gender differences in parent-child emotion narratives.  Sex Roles, 42, 233-253.
  • Frye, A. & Goodman, S.H. (2000).  Which social problem solving components buffer depression in adolescent girls?  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 24, 637-650.
  • Goodman, S.H., Schwab-Stone, M., Lahey, B.B., Shaffer, D., & Jensen, P. (2000).  Major depression and dysthymia in children and adolescents: The search for evidence of discriminant validity in a community sample.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 39, 761-770.
  • Youngstrom, E.A. & Goodman, S.H. (2001).  Children’s perceptions of other people: Mentalistic versus behavioristic descriptions of peers and adults.  Developmental Science, 4, 164-173.
  • Connell, A.M. & Goodman, S.H. (2002).  The association between psychopathology in fathers versus mothers and children’s internalizing and externalizing behavior problems: A meta-analysis.  Psychological Bulletin, 128, 746-773.
  • Gotlib, I.H. & Goodman, S.H. (2002). Children of Depressed Parents: Alternative Pathways to Risk for Psychopathology.  In S.H. Goodman & I.H. Gotlib, (Eds.), Children of Depressed Parents: Alternative Pathways to Risk for Psychopathology, American Psychological Association Press.
  • Goodman, S.H. & Gotlib, I H. (2002). Transmission of Risk to Children of Depressed Parents: Integration and Conclusions.  In S.H. Goodman & I.H. Gotlib, (Eds.), Children of Depressed Parents: Alternative Pathways to Risk for Psychopathology, American Psychological Association Press.
  • Goodman, S.H. (2002).  Mental disorders.  In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Macmillan Psychology Reference Series, Vol. 1: Child Development.  New York: Macmillan Reference USA.
  • Goodman, S.H. (2002).  Early experiences and depression.  In I.H. Gotlib and C.L. Hammen (Eds.), Handbook of Depression and Its Treatment (pp. 245-267).  Guilford.

*Goodman lab students' names are italicized

Zalewski, M., Goodman, S. H., Cole, P. M., & McLaughlin, K. A. Clinical Considerations When Treating Adults Who Are Parents. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/cpsp.12209